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Increase your consult requests with OnDemand


Sometimes, we want things done ASAP. Sometimes, our patients’ care can wait for a few days, but other times, it’s important to get the ball rolling right away.

That’s why we’ve introduced On Demand Bookings for the past several months. Daniel and Jacob are specialists that have been using it. “I’ve had a number of on demand bookings, and they’ve been great. Instead of calling at a scheduled time, I was able to call the family physician when I had a few minutes in my day. The call happened quickly, and I didn’t have to break my stride during the day.”

We hope all specialists will give it a try! Here are some tips to keep in mind.

As a Specialist You Have Maximum Flexibility

To opt into OnDemand Bookings, all you have to do is enable it within your account. When someone books an OnDemand consult with you, it will book your next available slot. However, you can call them anytime from the moment you get the notification of the booking up to the scheduled time. 

So anytime that you have five free minutes, you can make the call. Once you submit your consult form, the appointment will be completed and that time slot will be freed up in your schedule. 

But if you aren’t able to call before the scheduled time, don’t worry. Turning on OnDemand doesn’t mean that you have to call ahead of the scheduled time, it just means you now have that option. 

The lightning bolt can help you get more consult requests

Specialists who have OnDemand enabled get more consult requests. Primary care practitioners appreciate being able to potentially get an earlier call on the fly. Within a week of enabling OnDemand, Daniel had a 20% increase in consults. 

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