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What's new? Specialist to Specialist consults

Answering consult questions is a fundamental aspect of specialty medicine. However, specialists see patients of their own and often want to run patient cases by other physicians. Similar to other healthcare providers, specialists face the same barriers to connecting with colleagues - endless phone tag, misaligned schedules, and challenging documentation requirements.

Solution: Virtual Hallway Specialist to Specialist phone consultations.

Specialists can consult with any other specialist on the platform. They can consult within their own or different specialty areas, as there are countless reasons specialists might want to consult.

Here’s a few... 

  • A psychiatrist might want to consult with an endocrinologist about abnormal metabolic bloodwork.  
  • A gastroenterologist might want to consult with a psychiatrist about a patient with anxiety.  
  • An internist might want to consult with a hematologist about optimizing a patient’s medication.  
  • A psychiatrist might want to review a case with another psychiatrist to get their opinion on a patient’s treatment.  
  • An obstetrician might want to review a patient’s cardiac condition with a general internist.  

In the status quo, if a specialist is unsure about a course of action, they have to either (a) make a decision outside their comfort zone on a patient’s care; or (b) send a formal referral leading to a multi-month wait for the patient. Now, specialists can now get their questions answered by a local expert just like primary care providers. 

To book a consult simply select a specialist to consult with, select a date and time then enter brief patient details. 

Pick up with questions, hang up with answers.

See How Virtual Hallway can help your practice today!
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